You know, those times when everything seems to just be going right?
When you are there, you feel like you have a special power, and everything you do just seems to go perfectly.
Our own mentor-coaches Kurt and Patricia Wright call this state, “Being on a roll.”
Have you ever wondered how and why you got there, and if you could have it happen more often?
If you’re like a lot of people, it just seems to happen and then after a while you’re just no longer on that roll. Then you wonder what went wrong! And you just chalk it up to “being off your game” or that some days are simply good, and evidently some days are bad.
As Kurt & Patricia pointed out in their game changing book, Breaking the Rules, there is a natural and preferred state for being on a roll.
And if you wait until you’re bogged down and then try to figure out what’s wrong, you won’t know the easy key steps needed to get yourself and your team back on a roll.
It is important to discover how and why you get on a roll, because then being in that state will become increasingly more frequent and available to you.
It is not the way you’ve been taught, but instead of constantly looking for and asking, “What’s going wrong?” you need to be asking, “What’s going right?”
That is when you suddenly will seem to have a special power of creativity and ideas of new and better ways of doing things.
What a simple and profoundly important shift for your thinking!
Why does it work so well?
Asking yourself what’s right , rather than what’s wrong, questions accesses the intuitive, or right side of your brain, which is the source of all of your creative energy.
When you think of following your heart, your intuition, and your own personal true north, that is all descriptive language for accessing what each of us needs to be truly on a roll and to stay connected to our inner source of energy, our intuition.
You can do this. The absolute best leaders in the world are true visionaries.
Rather than following the masses or trends, they demonstrate a consistent and remarkable openness to new ideas.
This allows these leaders to raise their vision to new levels.
Their thoughts then cause a richness of creative energy, which in turn allows them to have a
“surplus and abundance world view,” that opens them to new ideas.
Contrast this way of being with a leader who has a more “this is the way it’s done mindset,” where they are not open to new ideas unless they don’t threaten their fixed mindset of how things “should” work.
Kurt and Patricia say the way you can experience wholehearted commitment and become effortless high performers is by looking more skillfully inside yourself, not to your ego and intellect, but to your heart and intuition, where the only true answers for guiding your life await your discovery.
How great would it be to experience your entire business team, and for that matter, your whole family being on a roll, both individually and cooperatively?
Imagine what that might feel like? How would it change your team’s and your family’s mindset,
your relationships, and dealings with each other?
Why settle for anything less?
►TRY THIS OUT Want to get a taste of how being on a roll would change things within your family and in your interactions with friends and business associates? Just ask everyone you interact with today a “What’s right” question like, “What’s the best thing that happened for you today?”
Then sit back and watch how differently they interact with you, how your energy and their shifts, and how much happier and more connected you feel. You caused that shift! Now imagine what your entire family could create together if everyone were sharing an “abundance mindset!”
Future articles will discuss how to remove the obstacles you all have to effortless high performance.
Watch for them and share this with anyone you think would enjoy it.
►► Signup today for your own no-cost “How Can I” triage call with Terri or Robert
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with Robert at
with Terri PM
or Text “How Can I” to Terri 530-520-7991
And if you are working with us already and have a friend you feel would like this, please forward or tell them about it.
“One of the greatest discoveries a man makes,
one of his greatest surprises,
is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn’t do.”
-by Henry Ford