I raced for over 20 years in the highly competitive category of formula V in road racing and oval racing.
I competed in well over 200 races, of those I was the winner more than 10% of the time!
I could not have been as successful as I was if I did not embody trust and optimism.
When I say embody, it means that I wasn’t intentionally and consciously focusing on those qualities being present. They were activated in me thru my conscious intent and desire to win and be the fastest driver on the track.
Here’s the distinction between what I’ll call real racing and what is otherwise known and club or high speed driving events.
In real racing that intention and focus is to drive the car as fast as it can go (in other words the car is the limiting factor (horsepower, tires, chassis setup, etc..) and
in this circumstance exceeding the limitations of the car and losing control or crashing is an acceptable risk.
You, as the driver are intent on using every element of the car to it’s full capacity.
In club racing you the driver are the limiting factor and your intent is to drive the car as fast as you are comfortable to handle the speed. Having an incident or losing control is to be avoided as much as possible.
“Do your damn job, so I don’t have to work so hard at mine!” Ever think or say that?
What if you could finally be able to exclaim “We did it!” instead?